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Global IDs

The Slimepedia API uses a uniform and global indexing system to refer to specific Slimes and other related data. This system is used in all the endpoints and data models to ensure consistency and ease of use.

Slime Ids

The Slime Index is a unique identifier for each slime in the Slimepedia API. This index is used to refer to specific slimes in the API and is used in all the endpoints and data models.

Slime ImageNameID
Pink Slime1
Rock Slime2
Tabby Slime3
Phosphor Slime4
Honey Slime5
Hunter Slime6
Boom Slime7
Rad Slime8
Crystal Slime9
Tangle Slime10
Dervish Slime11
Quantum Slime12
Mosaic Slime13
Gold Slime14
Saber Slime15
Puddle Slime16
Fire Slime17
Lucky Slime18
Glitch Slime19
Quicksilver Slime20
Cotton Slime21
Ringtail Slime22
Sloomber Slime23
Twin Slime24
Batty Slime25
Yolky Slime26
Flutter Slime27
Angler Slime28
Shadow Slime29
Tarr Slime30

Plort IDs

Similar to Slimes, the Plort Index is a unique identifier for each plort in the Slimepedia API. This index is used to refer to specific plorts in the API and is used in all the endpoints and data models.

For convenience and consistency, the same index is shared between Plorts and their respective Slimes. Since there are some Slimes which don’t produce any plorts, that results in an inconsistent index sequence, but it makes it easier to relate Plorts to their respective Slimes.

Plort ImageNameID
Pink Plort1
Rock Plort2
Tabby Plort3
Phosphor Plort4
Honey Plort5
Hunter Plort6
Boom Plort7
Rad Plort8
Crystal Plort9
Tangle Plort10
Dervish Plort11
Quantum Plort12
Mosaic Plort13
Gold Plort14
Saber Plort15
Puddle Plort16
Fire Plort17
Quicksilver Plort20
Cotton Plort21
Ringtail Plort22
Sloomber Plort23
Twin Plort24
Batty Plort25
Yolky Plort26
Flutter Plort27
Angler Plort28
Shadow Plort29

Location IDs

Rancher / NPC IDs

Food IDs